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Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Farringdon Community Academy is an inclusive school. We recognise that at some time in their school career, most children will need support of some kind or other. Our Inclusion Support Centre is well-resourced to cater for the needs of a wide range of special educational needs. The facilities include a quiet working area for students, a Nurture Group and a Relaxation and Sensory Room.

We work in partnership with our partner primary schools to ensure careful planning for all children. Teacher assessment, National Curriculum records, standardised and diagnostic assessment are available from specialist teachers and teaching assistants in order to gain the fullest possible picture of the children. Students are given help by specialists in several ways, from regular literacy sessions to support in class and also in small teaching groups within the Inclusion Support Centre if needed. Care is taken in all subjects to provide teaching materials suitable to all levels of ability so that all students can follow a curriculum pathway appropriate to their needs. Responsibility for all students having special needs, including those with statements, rests with the SENCO who leads a team of teachers and teaching assistants working in all academic areas and liaises closely with pastoral and academic staff as well as agencies such as the Local Authority’s Specialist Services. We also have an Autism Spectrum Provision where the local authority place students who need this support. It is an important part of our school. The school follows all procedures of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.



SENDCO – Mrs G Craggs | [email protected] | Telephone: 0191 917 1500

Farringdon Community Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

All of our inspected academies are rated GOOD or OUTSTANDING by ofsted.

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